When I prepare for CPA exam coaching sessions, I prepare an agenda and practice questions and exam tips based on what the candidates need. The agenda usually looks something like this:
CPA candidate intro/check-in
Discussion session topic
Live instruction with CPA exam practice questions
Action Items
Wrap up + next session topic
I had one coaching session where the candidates had a lot of questions - none of them were related to exam questions. Instead, they were curious about the non-technical aspects of the CPA exam.
What's a CPA exam conversation without discussing FAR?! I got a couple questions from candidates about FAR content, but we spent most of the time talking about life as a CPA candidate and what FAR looks like in real life. If you're studying FAR and need some extra help before exam day, check out the Winston CPA Exam Virtual Classroom.
After about 5 minutes I decided we didn't need an agenda because the conversation was organically growing. Candidates asked all their questions about what it's like being a CPA, studying for the exam when you have kids, wondering how exam content looks in practice, all these things that aren't "testable content" but still are just as important.
Black CPAs make up 0.7% of all CPAs.
I had a conversation with black CPA candidates about why they must keep going on the CPA exam journey. As frustrating as it feels, there is a huge reward on the other side of those 4 exam sections. Listen to my talk on being part of the less than 1% and how you can do your part to change that narrative. Click below to listen.
A lot of candidates worry about CPA exam stress and how to manage it. They're also looking for advice on how to bounce back after failing a section of the CPA exam. These are the critical issues that traditional CPA exam review courses don't answer so black CPA candidates need access to CPAs that look like them as they deal with both the technical and non-technical aspects of the CPA exam.
The CPA Exam Virtual Classroom provides candidates with more effective study strategies to answer CPA exam questions and tackling simulations. Get instant access to tutorials, practice questions, and the last-minute exam strategies you need to be #CPAExamReady. Join the CPA candidates studying the right way in the Winston CPA Exam Virtual Classroom.