Nikki Winston, CPA
Hello! Welcome to my corner of the internet.
Putting aside credentials and degrees and accolades and professional accomplishments for a minute:
I’ve always believed in the old saying that we must live life to the fullest. I am here to do just that. NikkWinstonCPA serves as a vessel to share my vast interests, and clue you in as to what inspires me in this ever-changing world.
This is ME.
I love doing dope shit my way. Nothing I want is out of my reach.
Cooking is fun. Wellness is non-negotiable. Cleaning is therapeutic.
I will take a solo trip in a minute. I'm an introvert but love on my friends hard.
I've collected books since I was 14.
I love stilettos and bracelets.
Music is LOVE and my "Wellness Room Vibes" playlist on Spotify is unfuckwittable.
My website is filled with good food, wellness, my favorite songs (from the 80s and 90s) and all things related to me creating the life that I want.
At work and in the community...
What would I do if money was no object? Get candidates ready for the CPA exam.
My unlikely passion as a CPA exam coach. It was nowhere on my career goals list. I've studied what candidates are studying. I've stressed how they're stressing. I've paid money for course materials and testing fees and retesting fees (and later licensing and CPE fees). My CPA candidate journey did something to me. I thought I was going to pass 4 sections in 6 months, get my license and be done. But instead, it took 1,373 days, 13 NTS, and a whole lotta notebooks and flashcards to get me over the CPA exam hump. I journaled that experience and kept my notes that I created because I knew one day it would help somebody. Even when I failed a section, I learned something. Those 13 exams became something way bigger than I ever thought because, this was not on my goals list. In fact, being an accountant wasn't even on my goals list!

#CareerConvos™️ with Nikki
Career elevation for ambitious accountants
How do I ask for more money? Where can I find a mentor? What's it really like to work in accounting?
These are the questions I get asked a lot and inspired me to create #CareerConvos™️, a safe space for accountants to be professionally vulnerable and get the guidance that's missing in your corporate job. The #CareerConvos™️ Library includes a world of accounting career resources, templates you can copy and look like a superstar at work and question you must ask during interviews and performance reviews. Click below and explore all that's available to you in the #CareerConvos™️ Library.
Free Money & Stuff
No matter what, I'm always here for a deal, coupon, and cash rebates. Use the codes below to get free money to invest, shop, and more!